Pure Desi A2 Ghee

Experience the bliss of our signature ghee. Made from the A2 milk of organic grass-fed Gir cows. Made in small batches our ghee is locked with a tempting flavour. We offer the most natural ghee with no compromise on quality.

A2 ghee is an age old tradition of India’s culture, as well as a staple of many Ayurvedic recipes. Made from the A2 milk of organic grass-fed Gir cows, our ghee has been classified as a food item and recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) under its Standard of Recommended Nutrient Intake (SORI). This makes it one of the most nutritious fluids in the world, containing 20% more protein and higher amounts of minerals than commercially made butter.

Our A2 Ghee is an excellent source of good fat and nutrition. It is made with a process called Bilona, which results in a ghee that has a high Omega-3 content and no harmful cholesterol. An excellent source of good fat for expecting mothers and infants. Our mission has always been to provide organic and healthy products that are free from preservatives, artificial ingredients, and pesticides. It melts at body temperature, making it a healthy choice for those looking for a good fat source—for cooking or eating straight off the spoon!

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